

to Enhancing Learning and
Development Through Nature

Who we are

We are the Matthias Educational Initiative, an institution of the highest caliber, founded in the year 2021. Under the exceptional leadership of CEO Matthias Hoffmann, a visionary expert with a profound background in Social Pedagogy and extensive international knowledge, we stand as pioneers in the realm of education. Our institution is defined by an unwavering passion for nurturing and unlocking the boundless potential within every child. We take immense pride in embodying the vision of a holistic educational system that amalgamates academic expertise with practical application.

What we do

Our pursuits encompass a vast spectrum of educational initiatives meticulously crafted to foster the sustainable psychological, cognitive, and emotional development of children and adolescents. Our aspiration is not merely to instruct but to inspire and shape. In close collaboration with educational institutions worldwide, including kindergartens, schools, universities, and civil society organizations, we ardently champion the fortification and advancement of the pedagogical development of children and adolescents.

A hallmark project that epitomizes our mission and has garnered international recognition is the "Nature's Call" initiative. Within this framework, we staunchly advocate for young children in preschool and kindergarten to partake in direct communion with nature for their learning and growth. We firmly believe that education should not occur within the confines of four walls. Instead, we endorse active, experiential learning in the outdoors, where nature serves as the ultimate teacher. This approach has demonstrated that acquired knowledge is more enduring and profound when gained through hands-on experience and direct engagement.

However, our work extends beyond the realms of education. We are committed to raising environmental awareness and instilling eco-consciousness from early childhood onwards. This forms an integral part of our mission, which seeks not only academic excellence but also social engagement and ethical values.

Collectively, we embody the fusion of knowledge, education, and practical application in a manner that enriches the educational landscape and shapes the future of our children and our world. Our international engagement transcends national boundaries, and we take pride in playing a pivotal role in shaping a global educational agenda. We are the Matthias Educational Initiative – pioneers in education, architects of the future, and ambassadors for sustainable learning and living.

Our partners

Our efforts to promote the education and development of children and adolescents would not be possible without the dedicated collaboration of our esteemed partners. We take great pride in working with a diverse range of institutions and organizations from around the world to advance our mission. Our international partners include:


Official partner from Romania:
Gradinita Nord2 Rm Valcea
a kindergarten located in Râmnicu Vâlcea


Official partner from Turkey:
Istanbul Sustainable Development Association
an organization dedicated to
sustainable development based in Istanbul


Official partner from Portugal:
Basica School of Frazao (Escola Básica 2/3 de Frazão)
a middle school situated in Portugal.

News- Mobility Frankfurt

Report on the Erasmus Mobility Program in Frankfurt, Germany

As part of the cross-national Erasmus exchange program, the first mobility event took place in Frankfurt, Germany. Project coordinators, teachers, and educators from Romania, Portugal, and Turkey participated in this program.



Brochure for the 'Nature's Call' Project in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from November 9th to November 13th, 2023. Download here Brochure for the Parents. Download here



+49 (0) 176 20 54 88 39
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Administrator Manager
+49 (0) 176 52 36 82 28
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Project Assistant
+49 (0) 163 966 44 04
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